4 min read

Unusual Miracles

Unusual Miracles

Since my wife’s cardiac event and miraculous recovery in November, I have seen more miracles in the past few months than I have in my whole life. To some this may sound crazy, but I have to give an eyewitness account to give God the credit He deserves. Resurrection life and the Kingdom of God have more power in our lives than we can think or imagine.

At Celebration Church, after my wife’s incident and recovery, they began to pray for the sick at the end of their services and started seeing healings take place. If you watch any of their recent services streamed on Facebook, you will hear testimonies of healings. All this started when Ps Frankie reached out to Dr. Randy Clark a few months before meeting Micah and I. Randy Clark is widely known for his role in the Toronto Blessing, and teaching on healing and revival. Honestly, I had never heard of him before we met him at Celebration Church.

A Powerful Impartation

I’m summarizing a longer story just to make this brief, but on February 23rd Randy came to Celebration Church to host an impartation service on Saturday, and healing service on Sunday. It was not promoted online, just mentioned in services prior and by word of mouth. Near 600 people showed up not knowing what to expect, but just expecting God to do something. At this point, after witnessing what happened to Micah I believed God could do anything. As I mentioned in the previous post, studying about revivals of the past made me want to encounter God in that way.

Since Micah’s cardiac event I had developed a constant throbbing pain in my chest. I can’t describe what it was! I went to counseling to get rid of it and I was contemplating going to the doctor to be sure my heart was okay. The first night Randy preached for hours about impartation, and at the end of the service he said if you feel the Lord’s presence to come forward for prayer. I didn’t feel anything, but I felt this constant gentle nudge pushing me back into my seat. So, I felt like I should go up for prayer.

Before anyone had laid hands on me for prayer, I felt the gentlest nudge and so I just went with it, I fell on my back (Ps Frankie caught me) and I laid on the floor with the biggest knot in my throat. I just remember praying “Lord, do whatever you want with me.” After a couple of minutes, something like electricity began to flow through my chest and my shoulders and chest began convulsing. It wasn’t that I was out of control of my body, I could have willingly stopped moving, but I let it run through me. Then I began to sob uncontrollably, and I felt a deep sorrow in my heart for the lost. I thought of one person I could have ministered to when I was getting a haircut that morning. I just laid there and cried.

Gifts of Healings

After that moment, the pain in my chest was gone, and has never come back! I can’t explain what happened to me. I was just a different person with more vision, passion, and boldness for the Lord. My desire to see revival spread increased dramatically, my desire to spend time in prayer and God’s presence increased. The next day, Randy taught about how to pray for the sick, and shared testimonies of healings, showed videos of one person in South America whose eye was growing while people were praying for healing.

People were being healed before the end of the service, before the teaching, during the teaching, and after. Counters were at both sides of the room to count the healings taking place. At the end, Randy invited the church’s prayer team to the stage and gave instruction about words of knowledge. The prayer team people began to give, for some, their very first word of knowledge about conditions, illnesses, diseases, and people would raise their hand if it applied to them. The words were very specific.

The prayer team began to pray for those who had come forward, and as they received prayer, the one being ministered to were instructed to clap when their condition improved to 80% or better.

That night they counted 153 healings, it was amazing to see the joy on people’s faces as they experienced the presence of God. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

God Wants To Use You

That same night, Micah and I got to meet the two people who performed life-saving CPR. We met and hugged each other, while people all around us were being prayed for and some were being healed. It was a surreal moment. From that moment on, Micah and I were changed, our ministry at Elijah Rising changed. We began to see more breakthrough, and we are continually learning to rely on the Lord more for everything we experience in life.

Revival Fire

God has lit a fire in us to see revival, not just in Houston but all around the world! I’ve been burdened for this so much that I feel like it will be my life’s message; the Kingdom of God and the revival He brings to life, the church, and society.

To the skeptics reading this blog, I know a lot of this can be hard to process. I understand, I’m a rational thinker and I like to have explanations for everything, but I have also come to a place of openness to what God wants to do in any given time. I pray the Lord would disrupt your life in the same way He has mine. There are too many lost, broken, and hurting people in the world; and as believers, we have more than enough to give.

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

Matthew 10:8