2 min read

The Power of Bible Memory: Retain God’s Word For Life

The word "remember" is used over and over again. God desires us to remember His words, actions, and the whole story of Him redeeming creation.
The Power of Bible Memory: Retain God’s Word For Life
Photo by Austin Henckel / Unsplash

I used to think memorizing Bible verses was just the product of daily Bible reading.  I thought that if I just read the Bible daily I would naturally retain key scriptures that I would memorize. The process of memorizing was dry and sometimes boring, and as I became busier in life the discipline of memorization vanished from how I engaged with God.

However, someone challenged me to come back to the basics. As I've been memorizing Scripture—it's not as hard as I made it out to be. Now I find myself meditating on God's word more, and I'm able to recall Scripture in a moment for encouragement or for teaching/preaching purposes.

In my ministry I engage with people who have experienced deep darkness. When facing the darkness they will tell you what works—it's the simple power of God's Word.

As Jesus was being tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He quoted the Psalms to resist the devil. Likewise, when we encounter temptation the Scriptures are powerful weapons in our arsenal against the schemes of the enemy.

And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Ephesians 6:17

Here are some practical ways to develop Bible memory:

Techniques for Bible Memorization

Find the method that works best for you. Some people like to use flash cards and write out Scripture on one side, and chapter and verse on the other side. There are a lot of methods online. The one I enjoy using is on a digital app: biblememory.com

I think you will be surprised at how quickly you can memorize a verse using this app. Instead of scrolling through social media for hours, why not memorize Scripture and meditate on The Word?

Incorporate Bible Memorization Into Daily Life

Block out a couple of minutes to recall certain verses you've memorized, and spend time memorizing a new verse. It may also be helpful to memorize verses by theme, or by practical use in your daily life.

If you work a job where you engage with the brokenhearted, or with people who need encouragement—start with verses about the brokenhearted. If you are in a Bible study learning about God the Father, then memorize Scriptures that speak to the character and nature of God the Father.

Practice Remembrance

The word "remember" is used over and over again. God desires us to remember His words, actions, and the whole story of Him redeeming creation. The appointed feasts, communion, the Scriptures, all have been given to us so that we can remember Him, recall His goodness to us, and be used in service to the King—especially that we would instill His word in our children and future generations.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and remind you of all that I said to you. - John 14:26