2 min read

Revival In Asbury

"To acknowledge our present impotence and cry to God for such a visitation is… a supreme priority for the church today." – Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones
Revival In Asbury

I was excited to hear about the revival happening at Asbury University. Revival is simply a divine visitation that revives. It cannot be brought about by concerted human effort, yet if we don't care or seek it, we can quench the Spirit by never experiencing it.

Many don't see the point in revival because the word isn't found anywhere in Scripture. However, if you study church history and the moves of God, you will see moments of spiritual and societal transformation that can only be attributed to a move of God's Spirit.

1970's Revival at Asbury

Listen to these accounts of a previous revival that happened in Asbury in 1970.

“Within minutes the Spirit came and everyone felt His unexplainable presence. The greatest thing I constantly witnessed and experienced was our equality before Him. We all were overwhelmed- the Eternal Power did not berate us, and conviction came because of His Holiness enveloping us in love. That is with me to this day.” – Paul Veldhuizen ’72
“I was a student at Asbury in February of 1970 and very involved in the revival and the outreaches that spawned from the outpouring. I traveled to many churches, colleges and countries telling the story of God’s visitation to the campus, with always the same resulting outpouring of God’s presence and power.” – Bruce Roy ’71
As we ended with prayer, there was a sense of electricity in the air and we looked at each other and said, ‘Something’s going to happen tomorrow morning! God’s going to show up!’ The next morning, we could still feel that electricity in the air as we anticipated the advent of the Spirit’s coming into Chapel. To this day, if I meet someone who was there, we just look at each other and stand silently, usually with a tear. I am honored to have experienced standing on holy ground.” – Lynette Gibson ’72

Much of what I'm hearing from people who are currently experiencing the revival is that this is a move of God. His manifest presence is being felt in overwhelming peace in the room, and worshipping, prayer, confession, and repentance is happening over the course of multiple days now. Holy Spirit, fan the flames of revival in this country.

Revival In Our Time

We should be praying for this revival to continue, and that it would draw many people to come experience God's presence, and receive salvation, healing, and deliverance. Let's also pray for the revival fires to continue to spread!

Continue to pray for Asbury University and that it would spread to other colleges. Finally, we should all press in to experience revival in our personal lives and in our community. God is for it, and He doesn't need convincing.

"The Spirit coming in unusual power has given an exceptional glimpse of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Do you not long for it? Do you not long to see it and feel it? Do you not long to know what it is to be overwhelmed by a sense of His glory, His majesty and all the fullness of His goodness? Seek it, my friend. Seek it personally, Seek it for the Church in general, not only in this country, but everywhere throughout the world. The need of the hour, individually and collectively, is the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

– Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones