2 min read

Amazing Healing Testimony | Overcoming Death

Amazing Healing Testimony | Overcoming Death

Hello Friend,

This next weekend is going to be a full circle moment for me as I minister with some friends that are very dear to me, Paul and Hope Lin. When I met Paul, he had recently gotten out of prison, and he was full of faith. He would tell me story after story of healings and revival in the prison.

I was a skeptic when it came to healing, miracles, and any type of unusual spiritual phenomena. My perspective changed when I saw God heal my wife, in 2018, after sudden cardiac arrest. I experienced it first hand.

Then, I would pray for others and see them healed. When I had this epiphany, Paul was one of the first people I called to let him know I changed my mind. 😅

A couple of months ago I received a call from Paul. He told me his wife Hope was in bad condition, and he remembered to call and ask me to pray. The news shocked me. She went into cardiac arrest in the hospital and had a very low chance of living.

I remember going to the hospital to visit and pray with Paul. When I arrived I heard the doctors listing out every worst case scenario that could happen. It was scary. We prayed and then what unfolded after that was a miracle. Paul and Hope are amazing people of faith and were relentless in prayer and worship.

They saw God move in such a poweful way and have gained amazing revelation into the ways of God and His power. I'm looking forward to hearing them as they share their testimony at our next healing night!

Healing Night Info

Saturday, September 2nd 6:00 PM

Launch Houston (2800 Antoine Dr, Suite 2842, Houston, TX 77092.)

If you need healing or a miracle come and receive prayer.

Or, if you would like to learn how to operate in spiritual gifts this is a time where we not only demonstrate the gifts but also provide opportunities for learning.

RSVP using the button below to let me know you're coming!

  1. If you would like to support these nights and help me get the word out you can support through PayPal. (Pays for fliers, advertisements, website, etc.)
  2. Share this e-mail with someone you think would be interested!
  3. Micah and I did a podcast for Creative Impact about healing ministry, check it out here.