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Nights of Healing at Launch Houston

Here are the upcoming dates: June 10, July 1, August 5. The services are at Launch Houston (2800 Antoine Dr #2842, Houston, TX 77092) and the event starts with worship at 6:00 PM. We have a short time of teaching but a majority of the time is spent providing ministry to those who need it.
Nights of Healing at Launch Houston

At the beginning of this year I hosted three nights of healing. It was a big step of faith for me because my family was in the middle of a crisis. My wife was battling severe chronic pain. It was so severe she was on medical leave from work for several months. It was terrible to watch her experience that level of suffering, and she told me it was the worst pain she has ever experienced.

(This is one of the reasons I haven't been able to keep up with this website lately, but we are getting back on track!)

There was no cure besides physical therapy and learning how to manage pain. Her only hope of a normal life again was the supernatural healing power of God. She couldn't really go anywhere without a wheelchair. By the third healing night in March, my wife was able to share her testimony of God sovereignly healing her and she has had zero pain since.

While I've had the privelege of seing  many people healed, I'm still surprised when it happens.

We have been seeing healing and deliverance increase and so we are going to continue to do healing services for the city once a month.

Here are the upcoming dates: June 10, July 1, August 5. The services are at Launch Houston (2800 Antoine Dr #2842, Houston, TX 77092) and the event starts with worship at 6:00 PM. We have a short time of teaching but a majority of the time is spent providing ministry to those who need it.

Anyone can come but I do recommend people who don't attend Launch Houston to RSVP. This helps with follow up as I have some way to contact people to gather testimonies or to provide additional ministry. Feel free to invite friends, and share this with someone who needs a powerful encounter with God!