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What Is Impossible For Man Is Possible With God

What Is Impossible For Man Is Possible With God

This blog is part of a series, if you haven’t read How My Wife Survived Cardiac Arrest, read it first and this post will make a whole lot more sense.

It was day 2 at the hospital, and it was a cold and rainy day in the Woodlands. I remember running out to our car in the parking lot to grab my phone charger. In the back seat I found Micah’s journal, and I remember reading through it in disbelief that I couldn’t talk to my wife at the moment.

The plan was to have Micah in an induced coma for 3 days, but plans changed. I had read online that people in comas can sometimes hear what is going on around them, but they can’t respond nor remember anything when they wake up. I talked to Micah a lot in hopes of stimulating some brain activity, and I began to notice her eyebrow subtly moving. It felt like Micah was making some facial expression saying, “where the heck am I?”

The Impossible Becomes Possible

A big group of family and friends were coming that night to pray for Micah, there was even a prayer conference call with all the anti-trafficking ministries in Houston going on in the waiting room. After prayer, I went back to check on Micah and that’s when I saw the nurses teary-eyed telling me Micah is trying to wake up! The nursed were astonished because Micah was at the full level of sedation but still trying to wake up and pull tubes out!

Myself and two other strong men had to hold her arms down while the nurses could get restraints. At this stage the nurses were in disbelief, and the doctors were still trying to prepare me for Micah’s brain not being 100%. I was excited to see my wife out of the coma, and we praised and thanked God even though we knew this whole ordeal wasn’t over yet. Micah was still in a sedated state, and unable to speak or remember what was happening.

On Faith, Medicine, and Healing

The doctors were confident about everything, except for the brain. They warned me multiple times, any damage to the brain cannot be fixed, we can’t do anything about it.

I’m grateful for modern medicine and doctors, nurses, and first responders. I don’t know how they do what they do, they are heroes to me. However, with all of our discoveries and technological advancements there are still things that humans cannot do. I don’t think a reliance on medicine or doctors shows any lack of faith, but there are just some things only God can do. At this point in the journey God had to move in power to bring Micah back, with not one bit of brain damage, and that’s what He did!

Speaking The First Words

A couple of hours later, the nurses had to break their protocol and begin the process of warming Micah’s body a day early. They knew nothing was going to stop her from coming out of the coma. Once they removed, the tubes I was finally able to talk with Micah. It was unreal, we talked like normal and she was the same person. No change in personality like I was warned by others who survived similar cardiac events. She couldn’t remember anything past 5 minutes, but doctors said she would gradually regain her short term memory as she became more awake.

The next day the neurologist came in and began walking Micah through physical tests, and she passed them all with ease. Then they ran some brain scans and everything came out positive, no brain damage. This stunned the neurologist! I asked him, “have you ever seen anything like this before?” He said, “no, this is extremely rare to not have to do any physical or speech therapy.”

All the doctors would stop by our room to see the miracle! Many asked Micah if she saw anything that looked like heaven, but she didn’t remember anything. The entire week was non-existent in her memory.


Family & friends at the hospital on Thanksgiving Day. (November 22, 2018)

The next day was Thanksgiving, Micah’s favorite meal of the year. We had no idea we would be spending Thanksgiving in the Cardiac ICU, but we definitely had a lot to be grateful for! I couldn’t believe what had happened, sometimes I would just stare at Micah, astounded that she was 100% healed. From this day forward I knew our life would never be the same. I felt like I had experienced a powerful encounter with God, and yet this was just the beginning.

Then the Lord began to lead us into something new, something that I can only describe as a revival.

A week later from the incident we were back home! Micah couldn’t drive for 6 months, but life returned to being normal. Except I knew that we had experienced something extremely life-changing. Then the Lord began to lead us into something new, something that I can only describe as a revival. What happened next was truly something we never saw coming. God had given us just a small glimpse of His powerful presence, and we wanted more.