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Brazil 2019 Testimonies

Brazil 2019 Testimonies

It was an amazing experience to be on a trip with 140 people who all had the same heart. To hear God’s voice, act in obedience, and witness God move in power. By power I mean people being touched by God, overflowing with joy, love, peace, and conviction, salvations, healings, delivered from affliction, and creative miracles. 

I preface these testimonies to say that I know some of you who are reading this blog: a) theoretically believe in miracles but are highly skeptical when something supernatural happens (my go-to prayer was “Lord guide the doctors hands” it was never “In Jesus name be healed” because I didn’t expect any healing to happen), b) fail to see the purpose of healing and miracles in building up the church, c) that stuff happens in third world countries but not in the western world.

And that’s ok! The purpose of this blog is to be an outlet to share what I’ve seen for the glory of God. I used to be in all three of those categories, but what I’ve experienced in the previous year has caused me to re-read Scripture and pay attention to the signs, wonders, healings, prophecies, and miracles mentioned in the text that I may have glossed over because of preconceptions I had.

In the past, I’ve prayed for so many people and have seen 0 people healed. Versus this previous year, I’ve seen hundreds of people healed. Not only from my prayers but from others that I’ve been with or in services I’ve been in.

After my wife’s healing, I had a strong expectation that God can and will heal. I began really seeking God as The Healer that He is. I realized every prayer matters to God, every prayer. Another important factor is I gained an understanding of impartation and learned from Dr. Randy Clark, and have spent time around other pastors who have a strong desire to see the kingdom of God in power. I cannot express enough gratitude to Ps Frankie Mazzapica and Dr. Randy Clark. They helped me understand what God was doing in one of the most puzzling seasons of life.

I pray these testimonies will encourage you and that they will create a strong desire in you to pray as the disciples prayed in Acts 4:29-31 (ESV), “grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.”

Man’s Hearing Restored

During one of the evening services, we lined up at the front of the stage of the church to pray for people. The night’s focus was on impartation and I was able to pray with a man who was visibly being touched by God, he was weeping and shaking. As I began to pray for him he asked me to pray for his right ear because he couldn’t hear out of just that ear. It’s been a condition he has had for some time. My translator wasn’t able to convey to me what exactly happened, so I just prayed a simple prayer as I placed my hand on his ear. I said, “In Jesus name ear open.” Nothing happened.

So I prayed again, “Full restoration of the ear in Jesus’ name.” Under my hand, I could feel the ear go into some sort of spasm as that whole area near his ear was vibrating. My translator saw what was happening with his ear and said, “Look!” Then his hearing gradually began to come back, 30%, 70%, then we prayed again and his hearing was 100%. The man began weeping and was amazed at what happened.

God Heals Woman’s Flat Feet

One pregnant woman was in a lot of pain because her feet had no arches, they were completely flat. I was able to catch the testimony on video, and even some footage of God creating arches in her feet. This was definitely the craziest thing I saw. The bones were cracking and being reshaped and the arches began forming in her feet. Praise Jesus!

In the video below you also will hear an awesome testimony of God creating an ear canal and healing a man’s hearing.

God Heals Emotional Wound

On the final night, I was working through a line of people praying for them, and I saw a young girl in tears at the back of my line. Others offered to pray with her, but she was intent about me praying for her, so I thought that was strange. 

When it was her turn for prayer, I asked her how I can pray for her. She shared her story of a very sad and traumatic time in her life. She was a young single mom of a two-year-old. She struggled with suicidal thoughts and said she’s been in a deep depression for the past two years. I honestly didn’t know what to pray, so I just prayed, “Lord, let her feel your love right now.” The Lord touched her powerfully as she began to weep. After we prayed for a while she had a huge smile on her face. She told me it was the first time she had felt joy in two years.

I then asked her, “why were you adamant about coming to me for prayer?” She said, “You were glowing, and as I saw you glowing I knew I needed to come to you.” I shared with her how I grew up without my father, and then we prayed for her two-year-old daughter, and it brought her a lot of hope. The moment impacted her so much she later found me on Instagram to say thank you, and it was a cool moment.

Global Awakening Trips

I have so many more testimonies! If you would like to hear them all let’s grab a coffee. I never want to get tired of sharing these testimonies and witnessing God impact people. I treasure these moments and the fact that somehow I would be included in seeing God do such incredible things. There is more, and God has more for you just take a risk and step out in faith, it’s the greatest journey.

If you are interested in going on a Global Awakening trip they facilitate international missions all throughout the year. You can find more information at Global Awakening IMT »