1 min read

Revival In Brazil

Revival In Brazil

“The Gospel is not an old, old story, freshly told. It is a fire in the Spirit, fed by the flame of Immortal Love; and woe unto us, if, through our negligence to stir up the Gift of God which is within us, that fire burns low.”

Leonard Ravenhill

Why are we going to Brazil?

Micah and I have a unique opportunity to partner with Dr. Randy Clark of Global Awakening in Brazil! Our worlds collided through Micah’s testimony and Dr. Clark came to Houston to invest in us, so now we want to be a part of what God is doing in Brazil.

We have a large team of 142 people going, and we will be a part of the ministry team. Our schedule will be jam-packed— 3 services a day at different locations from Dec. 9-17.

Testimonies of God’s Healing Power

Through Micah’s testimony we have been privileged to witness more than 200 healings. Before last November, I would have told you healing by the power of Jesus is rare and not normative. However, during these last few months, we have really come to know God as the One who heals. I can hardly keep track of all the healing testimonies.

Check out some amazing testimonies below! Some testimonies are from Brazil, and some are from Celebration Church of The Woodlands.

Help Us Get To Brazil!

Micah and I have raised $3,500 of $7,000 for our trip—and we need your help to fund the rest. Both Micah and I are currently enrolled in school, and we are moving into a new home in October so money is tight. However, we believe the Lord will provide all we need to accomplish His purposes in us.

You can give through Global Awakening by clicking here »

* For “Trip Applicant Name” enter “David Gamboa,” and “December Brazil” for the following field