David Gamboa

David Gamboa

Husband to Micah and father to Elise. Communications Director at Elijah Rising. Student at The Bible Seminary pursuing an M.Div. Loyal to Jesus. Passionate about revival.
The Sign of Shavuot

The Sign of Shavuot

As we get ready to celebrate and remember this Spring feast, I would like to share some thoughts about the
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Finding God In The Midst of Chronic Pain

Finding God In The Midst of Chronic Pain

This testimony highlights God's healing power during a time when my wife and I were desperate for relief
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Surviving Sudden Cardiac Death

Surviving Sudden Cardiac Death

5 years ago today I was in the worst traumatic experience of my life. I had watched Micah die on
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Amazing Healing Testimony | Overcoming Death

Amazing Healing Testimony | Overcoming Death

Hello Friend, This next weekend is going to be a full circle moment for me as I minister with some
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Nights of Healing at Launch Houston

Nights of Healing at Launch Houston

Here are the upcoming dates: June 10, July 1, August 5. The services are at Launch Houston (2800 Antoine Dr #2842, Houston, TX 77092) and the event starts with worship at 6:00 PM. We have a short time of teaching but a majority of the time is spent providing ministry to those who need it.
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Ministry Training

Ministry Training

I'm hosting a training for anyone interested in healing/deliverance ministry. I encourage you to join us if
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Join Me For A Night of Healing

Join Me For A Night of Healing

Are you looking for a deeper connection with God? Do you need a miracle, healing, freedom from depression, anxiety? Come
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Revival In Asbury

Revival In Asbury

"To acknowledge our present impotence and cry to God for such a visitation is… a supreme priority for the church today." – Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones
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The Power of Bible Memory: Retain God’s Word For Life

The Power of Bible Memory: Retain God’s Word For Life

The word "remember" is used over and over again. God desires us to remember His words, actions, and the whole story of Him redeeming creation.
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Jesus Heals Lyme Disease

Jesus Heals Lyme Disease

Scotty shares his testimony of being healed from Lyme Disease. He also gives great insight about the power of perseverance
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