
"We don’t have to convince an unwilling God to come and refresh us with His presence. He’s for it. But, He cannot be manipulated. But when sincere hearts who know they cannot do His work nor His will without Him, humbly pray, He will answer."
J. Edwin Orr

I originally created this blog to house the testimony of how God healed my wife after experiencing sudden death (full cardiac arrest). As I sat in the hospital I searched for hopeful testimonies that would encourage me and build my faith to believe for my wife’s healing. Sadly, many of the stories were tragic and I didn't have much hope. I decided this testimony (my wife miraculously recovered by the way) needs to be shared and easy for people to find to help them know about the power of Jesus as Healer.

After this powerful experience, I saw many more people experience Jesus healing them. This brought a dramatic change to my theology and expectation to see God move in power today. I used to theoretically believe in miracles and healing, but honestly, I had zero expectation when I prayed for people. So this is my journey of seeking Jesus, the God who can do “far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

About Me

I’m David Gamboa, and I live in Houston, TX. My wife, Micah Gamboa, and I work for an anti-human trafficking ministry called Elijah Rising. I’m a student at The Bible Seminary in Katy, TX pursuing a Master's in Church History.

I created this blog to share the testimony of Jesus and His power in our lives. My prayer is that these testimonies will ignite your faith to eagerly desire more of the Lord.

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